Monday, December 27, 2010


Well Christmas couldn’t have gone any better. It was so rewarding to watch Peyton open her presents on her first Christmas. Although I think she enjoyed the wrapping paper more than what was inside, she has plenty of new toys to play with for a long time to come. With time spent with family on Christmas day, the evening was spent running the dogs on a new 18 mile trail we scouted out. It was an amazing night to be out under the stars and each dog pulled their hearts out truly enjoying their Christmas run. I couldn’t be more proud of the group of dogs we have in our kennel.

Peyton enjoying the box more than the present.

On the 23rd we had a wonderful family come out for a tour. It was a blast having the kids (Landry, Kellen, Peyton and Tonna) around to spoil our dogs, rabbits and chickens! Bridget and Paul were naturals on the sleds, not one wipe out. It was also Tonna’s birthday and we were hoping Lucite would have her puppies while they were here, but unfortunately she is still holding out and is as big as a house!
Schneider family
Lucite enjoying some couch time

Yesterdays tour was with Becky and Larry from Southern Indiana, who were in the area snowmobiling. Larry bought Becky a tour as a Christmas gift. With plenty of Laughs, we had a good ole’ time! 

Becky learning to drive a sled

 Thanks everyone who has stopped out and given us the opportunity to take you out with the dogs. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a great New Year. We will be at Treetops resort in Gaylord New Years eve, so if you don’t have plans come on out to see the dogs, go for a ride and do a little skiing.

Take care,
Briea, Tim and Peyton

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Already?

As usual I sit here less than a week until Christmas not knowing where to begin with all there is to do. The Christmas tree I scouted out during deer season needs to be cut and decorated, puppy pen needs final touchups for our upcoming litter, the dreaded shopping and wrapping of Christmas presents awaits, and of course as much dog running as we can.

We had the pleasure of Jill and Ian Welsh join us on a dog sled adventure this past weekend. The day was perfect for running dogs and Ian proved to be a natural on the runners. Jill too by the end of our journey had it down and looked like she could have gone on forever. It was such a nice day we too didn't want it to end. Thanks for the great times Ian and Jill.

Spent yesterday finalizing the trail at Treetops resort in Gaylord for our rides this winter. They open up full time on December 26th and we will be there with the dogs December 31st, January 15, February 19, and March 12. So come on out to ski and take a ride with the dogs while there. To check them out or book your winter fun check out

Work is done for me for the year so I am pretty happy about getting to run dogs full time for a couple months. It does seem like I am busier and work a lot harder when I am off in the winter.

We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. We are really looking forward to spending our first Christmas with Peyton!

Take care,

Tim, Briea, and Peyton Riley

Monday, December 6, 2010

A True Musher!

Well the snow is slowly coming and I think it may be here to stay. Although we had only a few inches this past Friday, Tim and I decided we would hook up a four dog team and go clear the trails. Being new to this, I was pretty excited to be on a sled. However, the adventure didn’t come without a few bumps and bruises along the way. Tim and I dumped the sled three times while out and about. Tim’s advice went a little like this, “Briea, whatever you do don’t let go of the sled!” So each time I fell, I was thankful to still be gripping the sled handle. Now, the next day was a different story… while out on the sled, Tim hopped off and told me to take the turn, only when I did I hit a fallen tree and the sled was ripped from my hands, oops! There went the dogs barreling down the trail with no driver. Tim finally caught up to them almost two miles away. Thank you Tim! He came back and picked me up after gathering the team. All he told me was, “you’re not a true musher until you’ve lost your dog team.”
Quinn getting family time

Briea, Tim and Peyton